10 Things to Start the Day with OTHER Than News

Donnell King
3 min readOct 27, 2022
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Multiple posts address the need to NOT pick up your phone first thing when you wake up. Good advice: avoid email, avoid social media, avoid the news. Here are things I like to start the day with. Maybe it will help you think of an alternative. Nature abhors a vacuum. You can’t just NOT pick up the phone, just like you can’t NOT think of a pink elephant. Want to get rid of the pink elephant? Think about a green monkey instead. Here are some “green monkeys” to help you with that pink elephant phone problem.

1: Comics

I have a listing of favorite online comics bookmarked. Reading them before I deal with anything substantive makes everything else go better. You can just go somewhere like GoComics and keep a listing. It happens that this is today’s Pearls Before Swine. Maybe Pastis is looking over my shoulder. Hi, Stephan!

2: Private email

I have an email address I only share with family and friends. That one is safe to check in the morning. I’ll leave my “business” email address for later. If I see a little number beside the inbox for this one, I will look to see who it’s from and decide whether to open it. This one is strictly guarded so that only people on a list can even get through. Anything else is guaranteed to be spam and is marked accordingly.



Donnell King

Communication nerd. Christ follower. I write about speaking, writing, using Zoom effectively for impact. Check out cool links at https://linktr.ee/donnellking